Large Art Works

What inspires me is pattern, both seen and the Unseen. The first three works are what are termed Natural Fractals. These Fractals are patterns which are generated within the natural world. The Fractal in the first two works is that of a Sunflower. The third, Wagonga Inlet, a sandbank exposed at low tide. " Everything in creation has an underlying geometric foundation that links it into the fractal structure of the universe." (Jonathan Quintin)

Islamic Sacred Geometry underpins the last Artwork. Pythagorus described geometry as " music made visible."                   Sacred Geometry depicts mathematical formulae that describe states of universal order.

" In the Islamic perspective, the harmonious division of a circle is no more than a symbolic way of expressing Tawhid, which is the metaphysical doctrine of Divine Unity as the source and culmination of all diversity." (Titus Burckhardt)

 Fractal 1   $1,600      (Glass reinforced resin with luminous inlay. Dia 86cm x 2cm) 

Metal Fractal

 Fractal 2   $1,600    (Glass reinforced resin, combined with cast resin elements. Dia 86cm x 2cm)

Wagonga Inlet

Wagonga Inlet  $2,500   (Glass reinforced resin & Stainless Steel frame. 110cm x 114cm x 3cm)


Sacred Geometry   $2,100    (Laser cut Stainless Steel combined with cast resin elements. 92cm x 77cm x 2.5cm)

© Paul G. Shopis 2012